If You've Been Charged with a DUI in Arizona that Caused Bodily Injury, the Next Move you Make is Crucial.
A DUI with injury in the state of Arizona will result in a very aggressive prosecution by the State. DUIs with injuries are treated differently than other DUIs, and the penalties for a DUI with an injured party can be very severe, including substantial jail time.
If you have been arrested for a DUI in the state of Arizona that has resulted in bodily injury, do not wait – call DUI lawyer Paul Ramos immediately.
4 Types of Arizona DUIs
Driving under the influence: DUI is defined as driving while impaired by alcohol or other legal or illegal substances.
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) 0.08 percent or higher — Driving with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent or higher is a crime whether or not an individual's driving appears to be impaired.
Extreme DUI: Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) 0.15 to 0.199 — Driving with a blood alcohol level in this range will be charged as extreme DUI.
Super Extreme DUI: Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) 0.20 — Driving with a blood alcohol level of 0.20 will be charged as super extreme DUI.
Felony DUI — DUIs that result in bodily injury or death can be charged as a felony.
We Fight to Get Your DUI Charge Reduced & Keep You Out of Jail
Choosing the best Arizona DUI Lawyer is too important of a decision to hire just any attorney. All we do every single day is work and fight to get DUI charges reduced or dropped, and to get your fines and penalties significantly reduced.
We also work directly with the DMV, which is treated completely differently then Arizona criminal courts.
We have handled a substantial amount of DUIs involving injuries, and we will fight for you and do everything we can to keep your penalties at a minimum.
I have nearly 30 years of experience as a practicing Arizona DUI and Criminal Defense lawyer. I will conduct a thorough investigation including obtaining and reviewing the police report for inaccuracies, inconsistencies, and/or omissions of relevant facts. All relevant witnesses, including police officers, will be thoroughly interviewed. Legal issues or defenses often become apparent after the completion of key witness interviews.